Perfectionism no more!

‘Perfectionism’ is regarded as a strong need to perform at a mistake-free level and holding absolute high standards. In today’s fast-paced world, ambition and success are often thought to go hand-in-hand with perfectionism. Unfortunately, this positive connotation can...

Yoga and its positive effects on mood!

It’s a well-accepted fact that exercise improves your mood and your general sense of wellbeing. Not to mention the state of your physical body. So how do you choose what type of exercise to engage in, when you do? And why is the world going gaga over Yoga in...

Get creative and boost your mood!

Getting creative helps the mind relax whilst also encouraging emotional expression and improving communication. Creativity allows the mind a break from the repetitive patterns and persistent habits of thought, which can provide a renewed sense of clarity.  Creativity...

Mindfulness also improves your mood!

We understand time to manifest in one of three tenses:  the past, the present, and the future.  We spend a great deal of our time (and mental energy) dwelling in memories of our past, regretting decisions we have made, longing we were younger; or worrying about our...

Retrain your brain for happiness

The ancient Hawaiian culture is known for its strong community bonds, living with a worldview based on peace, love and harmony. Sounds blissful, right? Well, you may be wondering what this has to do with you. Modern neuroscience has now shown that we can create our...

Abstain….for a healthy brain and a happier you!

Cheers to making it this far! Most people who enjoy having a drink, or 2, or 3 immediately ignore or run away from anyone suggesting they should drink less. Hey Happy aims to educate and motivate you to make choices that will improve your mood and overall well-being....